South Korea has elected a president who is crypto-friendly president!


Breaking news: South Korea has elected a president who is crypto-friendly president!

Breaking news: Yoon Suk-yeol wins South Korea presidency

It's official: South Korea has elected a crypto-friendly president! Yoon Suk-yeol, the country's new leader,

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Former South Korean prosecutor and conservative party leader Yoon Suk-yeol became the country's new president Wednesday in an election that will have far-reaching consequences for the country's policies in the face of North Korea's nuclear weapons programme and China's ascent.

It was Yoon's role in helping to convict former president Park Geun-hye during her impeachment trial that made him notable as a political newcomer at the age of 61. He begins his five-year tenure as president in May, having won the country's closest presidential race ever by less than a one-percentage-point margin.

With Yoon's triumph, the conservative party has returned to power after five years under the Democratic government after a dramatic and contentious campaign against liberal Lee Jae-myung. Here's all you need to know about the country's newest leader in South Korea.

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